Counseling Update/Message from the Nurse: November 2023

Counseling Updates & Information:

Learning About Executive Functioning Skills

The weeks leading up to Thanksgiving Break, the sophomores were presented with a brief, though informative, lesson on Executive Functioning Skills in their Health classes.  
Executive Function Skills are used to complete almost every task we carry out. These skills cue the use of other mental abilities, such as reasoning, language, and visuospatial representation, and they direct and control perceptions, thoughts, actions and to some degree emotions.

Students were asked to complete a self-assessment worksheet on their own Executive Functioning Skills and received their individual scores back, along with access to resources that could be used for further understanding of Executive Function Skills and provide useful techniques to help support areas for improvement.

Parents of sophomore students are encouraged to talk with your students about their results and ways to bolster their skills. All families are welcome to reach out to find out more information and inquire about participation.  Please reach out to Mr. Jon Jezyk,

Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month

November is Native American and Alaska Native Heritage Month. The celebration of Indigenous cultures in the United States began as a week-long celebration in 1986 Under Ronald Reagan’s term as President. Every President since has issued annual proclamations designating the month of November as the time to celebrate the cultures, accomplishments, and contributions of Native American and Alaska Native communities.

The DEI Club celebrated Native American History Month by learning more about indigenous foods. On November 16, 2023, The DEI Club members made Fry Bread in the Chemistry lab.

Diwali or Dipawali is also celebrated in November. Diwali is India’s biggest and most important Holiday of the year, and is also known as the festival of lights. To learn more about how this holiday is celebrated across India, please click here.

Message From the Nurse:

Is your daughter/son playing a winter sport? 

If so please make sure that their DIAA forms are completed and uploaded to their Magnus student medical record. Thank you! 
Archmere Academy is a private, Catholic, college preparatory co-educational academy,
grades 9-12 founded in 1932 by the Norbertine Fathers.